Three things to focus on for beginner French learners

(Instead of worrying about your accent!)

1. Cultivate a sense of curiosity instead of judgement. Instead of thinking, "It's so weird/annoying that x, y, z is different from my own native language," try to get into the mindset of, "How interesting that this is different! I wonder how I can get used to this, understand it better, and learn how to do this correctly in French." Every language has its grammatical rules, quirks, and exceptions that don't feel intuitive to non-native speakers; accepting that and embracing the learning curve is part of the process!

2. When you are studying nouns, get into the habit of learning not just the words but also the article, and therefore the gender of the noun. Just trust me on this. It will make your life so much easier in the long run.

3. Understand that if you want to "Speak French..." then you actually have to... speak French! Speaking is a skill that is distinct from reading, listening, and writing. (I can read at an intermediate level in both Italian and Spanish but cannot have a conversation in either language — this is more common than you might think!)

So take every opportunity you can find to actually speak out loud, with other people, even if you are nervous! It will help you to build this skill and get closer to your goals. Even a few minutes here and there can be helpful.

What has been helpful for you on your language-learning journey? I’d love to hear from you! Get in touch at


For adult learners, sometimes more grammar isn’t the answer.


A quick French vocab lesson